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Submit An Event

Event Overview

If you encounter any issues while submitting your event, please email events@visitbend.com for assistance.

Event Website

Event Cost

Leave blank to hide the field. Enter a 0 for events that are free.

Event Time & Date

Recurring events will be limited to 3 months in the future.

Event Categories

Event Categories

Events Status

Venue Details (required)

Provide essential information about your venue to enhance the event listing. Ensure accuracy and completeness to attract attendees and facilitate a seamless event experience.

* If adding a new venue, you MUST prepend the website url with http:// or https://

Venue Details(required)

Delete this
Add another venue
Organizer Details (required)

Provide essential information about the event organizer to assist potential attendees in better understanding the event's management.

* If adding a new organizer, you MUST prepend the website url with http:// or https://

Organizer Details(required)

Delete this
Add another organizer

Event Image

2.5MB File Size
JPEG File Type
5x4 Ratio
1200x960px Image Dimensions

Let’s add an event image so your events stand out in the crowd! Feel free to upload an image you already have, download a free image from Unsplash or browse our library of photography.

If you are uploading your own make sure to choose a .jpg file, that is under 2.5 MB in size, at least 1,200px by 960px and a ratio of 5:4 (Landscape). Images that don’t match these dimensions will be cropped. Images with excessive text overlay will not be used.

Drag & Drop or
Upload Image

Crop & Size

Don’t forget make sure there is no text on your image!


One final step! Double-check that all the event information below is listed correctly. If you would like to make an edit to the event information click the (1) Details button. If you would like to make an edit to your event image click the (2) Image button.